Friday, January 9, 2009

Perspective artist at work...

I shot this through the fisheye lens that was set up to view this incredible perspective artwork.

On this site...

A couple of years ago, while strolling around Old Town, San Diego. I came across the following marker on one of the sidewalks:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cookies walk among us...

I took the following picture back in 2005 at the "Big Bay Balloon Parade":

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

California Dome...

Here's a sunset over the California Dome in Balboa Park:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rubber ducks and Black balloons...

I took the following image a few months ago:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Batman and Slave Girl Leia

A few weeks ago, a snapshot I took from the San Diego Comic Con, in 2006 was featured on In one day according to my stats on flickr, it was viewed 120,405 times. Here's the image:

Saturday, January 3, 2009

In reference to the good football games today..

Here's some footage of my kids playing football:

Friday, January 2, 2009


A few months ago whilst browsing the clearance rack at Target. Cat and I came across a red jacket that we just couldn't pass up. Bought it for 9 bucks..:) I knew the location where I wanted to use the red jacket and was already scheduling a shoot with a model to use the new jacket. I came across the cover of "Vanity Fair" with Kate Winslet on the cover. Stunning. I knew I wanted to do something similar. I bought the issue and when I finally met the model I'd be working with, I showed her the cover and told her my idea of doing something along the same vein. She agreed and this is what we captured that day:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Vixen, Inc.

I worked with Vixen, Inc., a go-go dance team, in early December 2008. The following is from that set: